
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Honoured... Thank you... 

This evening, some very phenominal people came to gether and made me cry. (NOT something I will do in front of others) WinterWolf and some of the other students and teachers in the Crescent Moon School planned all year for the right time to do a very special ritual. This ritual was to honour the birth of the School and to honour both myself and Autumn (my co-coordinator) for all the hard work, service and dedication that we put inot this organization. We do. And it was so very touching to be actually appreciated for it. And for anyone to actually remember that this is the 10 year anniversary...

Thank you all. I just can't seem to say so eloquently enough and hope that Autumn will capture in words for me in her blog what I feel in my heart.

Montreal Samhian Ball 

This was an awesome occasion. I got to see folks from the older Pagan community who may not have been involved for some years. It was great to see such diverse participation. Alex led a powerful and moving ritual with some very fine help. Thank you!!!! And the spiral dance was a rare experience. The energy was potent!

Afterwards, Orealis was the first band up to play. The were incredible. Kirk, the singer, was my geology teacher and just establishing the band some... oh... 14 years ago. They payed so very well. I had to get up and dance some Irish dances. It was great. Exhausting... but great!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day 5 on the Road Trip: Drive Home 

Ok, Michael cannot meet me. He is running in a panick to get home from class, do laundry, and get to work on time. I had to remind him to take food so he doesn't half-starve like he did on his first day. :) He has 6 days of the 1-9pm shifts... along with his morning classes. I hope he can get his 3 days of 12 hours shifts. It will ease things up for his schooling.

So We wished each other well over the phone and agreed to meet in character in SWG. And I was off... driving homeward. Homeward bound. I promised myself that when I see someplace I want to stop along the drive back... that I will just pull over no matter where I am. I got so busy talking to myself in the car and going over all I had done and how it is effecting me... sorting my head... I had driven right through Ohio AND Pennsylvania. CRAP! I hadn't called Chimene. I called her. I think I offset her a bit. She was hoping I would can Thursday and not Friday just to let her know. She still agreed to let me stay over. It was remarkably early. I must have either driven at a rediculously fast speed or folded time and space. She suggested going out to see Niagra Falls. Oh yea... I have yet to see those! As I drove close to those around 4pm, I got a worrisome call from Mom. Sorry no details this is really personal. My closest friemds can ask me in person. I called Chimene and told her I was going to drive straight home. I did have to stop to eat something and stretch, so I did stop an hour and see the American Niagra Falls. It was nifty.

Then drove the rest of the way home. So... 12pm I left Canton, Ohio. I arrived home at 1:00AM.
And crashed asleep.

Notes #5 from "Lit from Within" 

Purge Purge Purge
  • Get rid of anything you do not use or will not use
  • If you haven't used it ot looked at it or worn it in 3-5 years... throw it out
  • Get rid of anything dead or broken or torn
  • CULL the closet and clothes drawers
  • I will do this room by room as I clean them... starting with the kitchen when I get home

Choose a symbol for yourself

  • find a symbol that speaks to you and surround yourself with it, reseaerch its meaning or pick one with a meaning or energy you want to incorporate in your life
  • Wolf / Cougar
  • Hiking shoes (for health and exercise and connection to nature... to inspire me to go hiking)

Create a Self-Care Fund

  • This is for treating yourself to needed/wanted things for your body and spirit
  • It isn't selfish to buy yourself a treat occasionally
  • Apply this to: haircuts, massages, manicures, pedicures, reiki or reflexology, tai chi classes, food suppliments, quality self-care products, or any other personal treats (books, movies, dinner out, games)
  • Life-Enhancing and fun... whatever makes you ... happy
  • note to self: update your wish lists!!!

Your underthings are important

  • this shocked me a bit... I am such a ... practical person
  • Lingerie or not... the underthings really really are important
  • Toss the "oldies" (anything stained, torn, threadbare, or worn out)
  • Neatly arrange the rest (even if nothing else in the drawers is organized... these should be)
  • suppliment with new things (lingerie or practical)
  • shop for your fantasy not his ("if you feel beautiful to yourself, you'll look beautiful to him")

Develop a sense of style

  • wear it / live within it
  • set a trend
  • turn your life into an Art
  • what is your style? build on it... apply it to other areas
  • keep a base colour
  • learn to tie scarves (accessories are fun and really can add to your style)
  • have a few tailored pieces that say "YOU"
  • make your fashion liabilities part of your style
  • you are NEVER too old to play dress up... go out and experiment
  • "Do what you can do well, and work to do it even better. Then you can set your own trends."

Play music in the house... set the mood ... no matter what you are doing.

It is OK to collect rock on your travels. Damn... and I didn't even collect one! I picked up a leaf and wolf fur though. I will just have to go back and get a rock next time I visit.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Day 5 on RoadTrip: Borders Books 

Ug... up at 4:30am again. The puppy ran off and ate my toothbrush while I was changing. Wendy found me a replacement. Thank you! It is too early for me to be on the road or to call anyone. I will head back to Borders Books, my new haunt. With luck, I will get to catch a last tea with Michael between his class and work.

I got to Borders at 7:30am... wat too early as they open only at 9:00am. So I snoozed in the car. M-SB called and woke me around 8:45am. I was glad to go to Borders and nap... because i was way too tired to be safely driving. I was so tired when he woke me that he laughed and agreed to call me before he left from work. I snoozed lightly for another 20min... waking on my own and feeling MUCH better... if a bit cold. This day is clearer and much colder than the previos two. I sat with a pot of Earl Grey tea on the sofa in Borders with my book and left Michael a message on his cell phone. I think it was a stupid message. I think it was probably stupid of me to think he would come out for one last tea after I monopolized his time for 2 days. Well, whether he comes or not... I stiff have to hang out till noon. I should have called Chimene at 10:ooam to let her know. My bad. I sat and watched the sun burn off the foggy mist of the day... but it was still chill. This has been a great trip, despite the few mishapsn sleeping badly and never sleeping in. I think I will do this once a year... a ME week away from everything.

Quote off a Sark poster from Wendy's house: "Live who you truly are and the finances will fall into place."

I was hoping for one last hug from Michael. I wanted to hold his hand again for a moment. The first time I read such a wonderful energy, warm, soft, gentle and unrushed... sure and yet nervous. I wondered what the energy would read now. I got my last hug from Wendy. But i was starting to feel snuzzle-starved. Michael I think was a bit too nervous for that much closeness. hehe. Wendy and i got along great and sat on the sofa and snuzzled with the dachshunds... but they are no substitute for human snuzzling. M-SB will have to peel me away when I get home.

I watched a new young couple sit at a table holding hands and caressing them with their fingers. They gazed long and glanced away frequently... then gazed long again into each others eyes. They must really be newly in love. Their intimate energy was almost too much for such a public location... even though only their hands touched and they spoke so very softly to one another.

Day 4 on the RoadTrip: evening 

He is the esldest of 3 siblings. His brother is 30 and is the one who asked him if he was meeting internet "booty" when discussing my arrival. Oy.... His sister sounds like the average 16-year-old. His brother lives a fair distance away and travels my motorcycle. He and his sister are at their mother's house. He lives there to cut living expenses while he studies. His dad lives about 40min away. His parents do not seem to get along at all. Michael was married and has a son and step son. He is now divorced and rarely sees them. That saddens me. It saddens him too. All of his family lean a particular way politically and miltarily and raz him lots since he is leaning differently and no longer wants to be involved in the military. He was military for 8 years and had an opt-out oppotunity which he took. He has been a paramedic now for almost 10 years and is now studying nursing. He is excited for his new job in the crisis centre of a psychiatric clinic.

I arrived at Wendy's to discover that the puppy had swallowed a bone whole... a fair sized one for a young dachshund. She was very very worried. I had a chance to get onto the computer there again, but only chatted via MSN to a couple people. I was too tired to do much else. A good tired. It was a great day. Michael must be sick of me by now.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Day 4 on RaodTrip: the day 

Michael and I took my car to Wolf Timbers. It was amazing!!! We saw soem geese along the way (got pictures) and an awesome bridge with trails... but we didn't get to go back to check it out. At WolfTimbers, we had to hike to the location. I am SOOOOoooo out of shape... I struggled with athsma. That does it... MUCH more working out needed! We got to see the 3 wolves there. Beautiful. Magnificent. I just watched them I was so in love. Michael never knew this place existed. He asked a ton of great questions. We each got some fur from Keely the female alpha wolf and a great poster. I will email them and see if I can get more posters for folks.

Afterwards, he needed to do some real mundane things for his new job, like get his already very short hair cut some more and buy some suitable clothes (not jeans and T's). I am always amazed how easy it is for a guy to get clothes. The clothing industy never changes their perspective on mens sizes, based on inches... and the inch never changes its measurement. However, womens clothing are given a number based on the designers idea of what that numerical size ougth to be... grrrr....

After that we drove about as he chattered. I was uncharacteristically quiet. It was good just to listen to him talk, but he is somewhat an introvert and chattered to fill the silence. Silence is ok... all he needed do was accept it for a few moments. Hehe. I was actually not sure what to talk about. I didn't want to talk "work" and anything outside that are stresses I am avoiding (like family) or... he knows already from online conversations. So... I had little left. What a sad situation. I was very boyhered by the fact that all I have in my life are the many many jobs that I do... and the hobby of playing SWG. sad. I have little else. I have no time for anything else... not even really me time. I play SWG while working at home to give my mind something fun rolling in the background to keep me motivated on the work at hand. (* now that I am home... I can think of tons of things to say to him... figures *)

We went to a cafe-restaurant that he likes to hang out in. No smoking... that was a relief for me. We met his dad there, who also plays SWG, but not the other two players we hoped would call sometime during the day. I think it is the coolest thing in the world that his dad plays. He is a cool dad! Even if he did think I was some chick traveling out to see Michael for "booty" as Michael's brother calls it.... which I most certainly wasn't... nor was Michael. He was embarrased that his dad almost didn't come out to see us , afraid he "might get in the middle of us and be a third wheel" ... silly man. I think he realized otherwise once he did come out. The food was awesome at the place... and I SOOO wish I knew the name or wrote it down. I want to go back there the next time I travel out that way.

I contacted Wendy, and was able to sleep at her place again that night so I could leave and drive in daylight to home. Got a couple of hugs from Michael as we parted ways... I will only see him online for who knows how long. He needs to come up to Montreal. But that won't be for a while considering his schooling and new job... and car in scary condition.

Day 4 on RoadTrip: Borders Books & Notes # 4 from "Lit from Within" 

I didn't manage to get to sleep till 3:00 or 4:00 am... but once asleep... I slepts real well. M-SB called me at almost 9:00am and I was packed and out of the room by 9:30am. The room cost MORE that $42USD. There was a charge for a phone access, availability of a safety deposit box, and then as 12% tax making my total $50USD ($10USD over budget). Crap. Oh well... it will get sorted out over the week.

I arrived at Borders and had another lousy bagel and an iced tea while I waited for Michael to get out of class. Today was quite warm and pleasant. Fog lay like a blanket over the hills and the clouds are low and drizzling rain. I am STILL going to see the wolves. The rain will stop while we are there. For now, I will keep reading my book and taking notes while I wait for Michael.

Note... when we first met, I shook his hand in greeting. As he parted for his new job yesterday, he requested a tentative hug. :) He may have a hug anytime he wants.

OK... my book...

  • give yourself time for silence
  • sit somewhere quiet and just think or do nothing
  • drink tea in quiet (saver it)


  • talk the talk and walk the walk
  • don't just SAY you are going to do it... just DO it
  • Threefold Promise reminder (be true to your word, your path, and yourself)

Keep environment orderly and clean (this will be this weeks goal... to reclaim my environ)

Honor commitments, or officially resign from the ones you cannot honor... learn to say NO.

Speak kindly or not at all

Purify the body occasionally (fast... do without something and cleanse)

Proper posture

  • walk proudly
  • breathe fully
  • remember who you are

Get a massage regularly

If you believe in the contect of what you say, it enriches your delivery or how you say it.

Sing (I sang loud and long to occuply my driving time... :) hehe)

Ease up on the "hard living", don't do too much, learn to say "no".

Don't do anything to excess.

Ease off the "processed" and "refined" foods.

Don't listen to, now spread gossip.

Be less judgemental of others... AND of yourself.

Dress like your TRUE self

  • sophisticated
  • rugged
  • simple not fancy
  • occasionally elegant when the mood so moves me
  • wear/buy clothes are are gentle/fair on the envirn and the people working to make them
  • wear how you WANT to feel
  • PURGE the clothes you don't wear

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Notes #3 from "Lit from Within" 

Get Exercise:
  • Get out into Nature (walk, hike, bike)
  • Do something I can and enjoy (low-impact Irish Dancing, hiking, Tai Chi)

Take a soaking bath

  • the caress of water is needed by the skin, our largest organ
  • involve all 5 senses (hot bath, scented oils in a carrier or incense, candlelight, music, fruit to eat or good Sortilege to drink)
  • PAMPER yourself
  • should be done once a week... but start slow till it can become routine (SIM, then BIM, then SIW)

Sleep. Get adequate sleep. Try drinking wark Vanilla Soy milk before bed. Hmmmm... Mmmmmmm. Going to go get some as soon as i get back home.

Notes #2 from "Lit from Within" 

Adopt one or two better habits. (don't aim for perfrct or good... just better)

  • Give myself an hour per day for just ME time to do whatever (exercise, meditate, spoil myself... whatever)
  • eat more fruits and veggies
  • make supper at home 3 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Look good enough... minimal & fresh...

  • wash face every morning and brush teeth ( i do already)
  • treat body like a temple
  • dress nice, not sloppy... even if it is to just go to the dep
  • dress how I want to feel
  • ritual body care (have a compact morning/evening ritual and have a day off somewhere for personal pampering)

Purge Draining Things/Keep or Adopt nourishing ones 

Oh... this is tough. There are draining things I do not want to purge. I have to... family issues are WAY more important at the moment... (I will get to that when I have more news and info and permission)

  • MPRC
  • Thursday night workshops
  • pass most of Wednesday class to Fabiola
  • bills
  • clutter

If I took on something nourishing... it would be... tai chi or Pagan Cafe. Tai chi will cost money... so probably Pagan cafe.

The me @ 80 I want to be? What about you? 

I want to be old, wise and sparkling. Fit enough to hike at that age through wooded land that is mine collecting herbs. I want to be riding horseback. Have cats that curl in my lap and a dogs that follow us (me and M-SB) along the hiking paths. My hair will be silvery white and in a medium-legth inverted French braid. I want to have people visiting for retreats and learning from me whatever I can teach them. I want to lead rituals. I want to walk hand-in-hand with M-SB through the woods under the stars.

Notes #1 from "Lit from Within" 

I have started and stopped reading this book (by like chapter 6)several times and have said, OH I will apply this and then get side-trackes and not do so. This time... for my sanity... things will be a bit different. So i an rereading this (for the 4th time)...

  • "The first step to bringing out your inner beauty is to have only one goal for your physical self: that it be an accurate representation of your spiritual self."
  • Be true to your word, true to your path, and true to yourself
  • Celebrate yourself
  • Think well of yourself, take care of yourself, don't compare yourself
  • Positive self-messages with NO caveats (I am knowledgeable, confident, healthy and "glowy")
  • I AM a good priestess!
  • Stand your ground in the face of negative people (including family) and REAFFIRM
  • Eat healthier (not "healthy"... just healthier)
  • Do enjoyable exercise
  • Focus on being happy, your body will follow
  • Who and how do I want to be when I am 80?
  • Purge the draining things in your life

I will come back to these last two. They need more thinking and meditation....

Day 3 on RoadTrip (long post!) 

Wendy's place is very different from Chimene's. Chimene's is like a craft-filled rustic country cottage family home with herbs hung to dry all around. Wendy's reminds me of my mother's... "everything has its place" kind of home. But Wendy has a puppy that gets into everything and so puppy proofing was a must. Wendy loves Kokopelli and has the image all over the place!

I was woken at 3:00AM by Wendy's black cat biting my big toe, then again woken when the alrm went off at 4:30AM. Everyone (her and her husband and the animals) was milling about getting ready for work around 5:00AM. I slept on the sofa and got up with them. Wendy and I chatted about how we each got involved in Paganism and then how she is trying to get pregnant with some difficulty. I asked if she minded if our Canadian coven(s) did some magic to help out. She was very grateful and gave me some details that might help with our magic. She is currently artificially inseminated and will find out next week of it is a better success than the last attempt.

I have arrangements to meet an online Star Wars Galaxies friend (Michael) for the next couple days. I hoped he would not be a freak from hell and was prepared to just be a tourist and then go home if he was. I wonder if he is equally nervous? We planned to have coffee before he bolted to his new job and then maybe meet up after. In the interim I could site-see and get a motel room and do some personal introspection... the whole reason i left on this trip to begin with.

I arrived in Stark Country Kent in North Canton, Ohio, where Michael goes to school at the university in Nursing to suppliment is Paramedic knowledge. I got gas (almost ran out, oops... must pay more attention) and a local map.

The predawn light
Dim deep hues of blue
Misted the car
Hugged the trees
And filled all the spaces inbetween

I arrived at The Strip a HUGE strip mall with stores like Borders Books, Walmart, Old Navy and a ton of other stuff. I was to meet Michael at the cafe inside the Borders... but it was 8:00AM and it didn't open till 9:00AM. I went into Walmart to do some American Hunter for M-SB and found rainbow coloured cheese goldfish crackers and extra cheddar ones. I got him the extra cheddar ones. I also looked for hiking shoes but was too nervous to really focus and gave up quickly. I poked into Old Navy looking for ashirt I want from them... but it seems only available in Canada... :( Over to Borders... Michael doesn't meet me till after his class, so i explored the books. (must add these to my wish list: Dream Fall by Joan Vunge & The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg by editor J. William ab Ithel) This lorning was much warmer than the previous two. I sat in a comfy sofa-chair by the window with a bagel (Canadian Bagels are MUCH better!!!) and a peach snallpe iced tea. I read and took notes on a book I am loving called "Lit from Within".

Met Michael. Average hieght and built for a somewhat athletic looking guy. Blond hair and blue eyes. He is as I had somewhat pictured him... but his voice is much deeper and hard to merge with the visual. His features are soft and his energy and demeanor of extremely gentle and Earthy (grounded) with a lightless of heart I associate with Air. i shook his hand and much like the energy he gives off. he is "safe" as far as my initial reading goes... and not some freak from hell. He is honest and is as he said he was when we chatted ingame about out-of-game affairs. This can so have been a bad experiance. I am glad it wasn't. I may now have a new friend. :) We chatted lightly about the journey here and his new job, then he had to run to his first day in the Psychiatric Crisis Unit building that was like 30-45min drive away.

I went hunting for a motel. THIS was frustrating. I wanted cheap and clean. As my mother is letting me use her VISA to cover the whole trip... but I have to pay it pack in 30days.

Motel 6: full... no vacancies
Best Western: $72 USD for a simple room with nothing included
Red Roof Inn: $42 for a smoking room and $46 for a non-smoking room
Days Inn: $42 for any basic room
Super 8 Motel: $47 for a no-frills room and it was smoking as all the non-smoking rooms were full

I went with the Days Inn. There was a Yellow Pages in the room and I located a Tourist Info Centre next to the ProFootball Hall of Fame. I drove over and found some great assistance in finding thing around here to do. I poked into the Hall of Fame and grabbed a pamphlet for my sister... but it is not my thing. In the info centre, I found a pamphlet on Wolf Timbers!! I had seen a documentary on it years ago... and this week is Wolf Awareness Week. That is a MUST SEE tomorrow as it is closed today. I really needed hiking shoes now! Back to shoe shopping. The local shoe stores were stupidly expensive... so back to Walmart for a more thorough look. I found a decent cheap pair. YAY! In a half-size that also fit my orthotics!!! Back to my room for a shower and late lunch. I showered in a terrible shower... they really needed to fix the plumbing! I ate a can of cold chef-boy-r-dee, drank coolaid, dressed in comfy clothes (but forgot the sweater in the car) and flopped in the bed... a giant kingsized bed. I was alseep almost instantly! OY! Alseep till 9:00pm... AK!!! that will offset my sleep pattern now. Oh well. I woke soar and realized I pulled my shoulder muscles hauling my crap into the room in one trip. Damn. I will have to rub it and stretch later.

I continued my read od "Lit from Within" while I waited for Michael to call. We went to a place called TGI Fridays for late supper. He didn't get food at work and was STARVED. He smokes. Shame on him. Well, I was curtious and sat in the smoking section for the meal. The food was really good. He treated me. THANK YOU! The burger was ginormous... (bigger than a Hurley's burger) with fries. He was exhausted from his day. He is also one of these guys that becomes non-functional afetr a big meal and must sleep it off. Hehe. So he dropped me off at the motel and we arranged to meet tomorrow after his class to have a day of exploration and chatting. Borders is the meeting place. It will kinda be my regular hang out while I am here. Hopefully two other SWG game friends will call and we might all get to meet tomorrow.

Once back in my room... I was so not tired. Figures after a 4 hr nap in the evening! I did some stretching and exercises. I struggled with repeated athsma attacks. I hadn't been in a smoking environ for so long that is really effected me badly. Now I am really glad I took the time to get a new pump. Oh, well... I wasn't tired enough to sleep anyways. I grabbed another shower in the bad shower to get rid of the scent of Smoke from my body. Then spent lost of time doing much needed thinking and meditating and reading of my book. I will have to post these discoveries/realization/resolves too. I got to sleep around 3:30 or 4:00AM.

Mishaps on the road trip 

1- no ventolin, had to sit at clinic for new orescription then buy more... making me late on the road (left at like 11am instead of 8am)

2- a wine-coloured minivan with an older woman driving and Ontario license plate ARFE 051 backed into the already dinged corner of my cars front driver side bumper and took off the paint and shook the car hard enough to knock me off my back bumper where i was leaning nibbling a sandwich and watching her. I waved for her to slow or sstop... but she didn't. No real damage done.

3- sat in traffic on Toronto's rediculous 16-lane (8 each way) highway!

4- Crossed the toll bridge and missed my exit on Grand Island and had to travel to the end of the Island and return to find that there was not an equivalent exit in the other direction and take the toll brindge back and again to get the right exit.

5- Chimene's Pit/Mutt cross really dislikes me and tried several times to take my arm or face off. It doesn't like anyone who associates with other dogs.

6- (on the return trip) Wendy's puppy ate my toothbrush.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

DAY 2 on the road trip 

Well, Chimene's is wonderful. It was peaceful in the morning and i had oatmeal. We talked about teaching in pagan seminaries, as she is trying this method out. Later, i takked about Celtic lore with one of the wayward witched and she gave me a great book.

Chimene has a lovely little pagan shop near buffalo with all ther herbs in jars. I love the homeyness of it. Shr also has a small tatoo parlour there.

I left there to travel to northern Pennsylvania. I saw geese flying south! Northern Pennsylvania was scenic as the sky grey uniform grey like a snow-sky... but no snow. I zipped through Pensylvania in less than 2 hours. Ohio was much less scenic, yet much more "civilized" and populated. The drive went smoothly and I arrived at Wendy's safely and to a great roast beef dinner. Her 2 dachshunds and cats greeted me heartily. Wendy and I share similar taste in comics (Get Fuzzy) and I introduced her to Oh My Gods! hehehe

I will wake here REALLY early (4:30AM) ug... and be out by 7AM, which is fine. I will go have tea and read until Michael gets out of class. There is a Borders Bookstore/coffee shop near the school. I will be staying at a motel Wednesday night and they Thursday head out to Chimene's again... so I likely won't get to blog again till Thursday night or Friday morning. Looks like I will probably be home Friday night or Saturday afternoon.

* one the first leg of this journey i was thinking i chould just turn back... that this was stupid of me to do... too expensive, too far, seeing folks i hardly know. there were some mishaps that were small but made me worry just the same. on this second leg, i am less stressed... thinking about my responsibilities, but my head is not swimming in a state overwhlmedness. so, i guess this is good. i had so wanted to be able to sit by the woods and just read or write... but it is too damned cold.

Day 1 of the road trip 

Ok... so I occasionally have access to a computer on the way. I am at Chimen's house. The trip was beautifully scenic!!! I wanted to stop all the time to take pictures. Today I will put the camera on the front seat to do so. Some old woman bumped her minivan into my already dinged front bumper corner at one stop. :( Took the pain off the bumper but no further damage.

When I made it into Toronot... HOLY SHIT!!! The is an 8-lane highway in each direction... and all 16 lanes get jammed full of cars!!! I could not believe it. At least my Westbound side moved.

The border was easy to cross here. But as it got dark and the trucks got rude... i was getting a bit frustrated. The bright oncoming lights and the truch headlights behind me gave me a migraine. I got lost and missed my exit to Chimene's on Grand Island and had to go back and do the toll bridge a second time.

Arrived safe though. The trip started in heavey grey clouded sky, shifted to sunny with some clouds and ended in steel grey with drizzle. It is still drizzling... but the sky really looks like a snow sky.... It better not snow on me.

Chimene is a wonderful woman. Shame her dog really dislikes me... i mean REALLY dislikes me. It was a bit hectic in the evening with all sorts of folks over. The husband, daughter, coveners, and wayward witches that live in the basement. They were all very friendly and sociable. We ate home-made experimental potato soup that was wonderful! YUM!!! I wish I could have stayed up to socialize with them all... but I had the migraine. So, I retreated to the son's bedroom (he was away) where I was to sleep. The three cats came to sleep with me. I read and journaled. I slept sorta ok. I am a light sleeper, so I woke to the bells on the cats as they moved about. to the TV going off, to the people settling down for sleep, to the suddden silence once the whole house was quiet, to unknowns in the wee hours, to the daughters alarm at 6AM. By 8AM I was up and relatively rested.

The morning is much quieter. Chimene greeted me and made oatmeal and tea. We chatted "shop" talk together before she had to jump in the shower before work. I am on her computer while she showers. One of the wayward witchs came in and we chatted about authentic Celtic history and lore. She recommend a book for me... and then ... gave it to me as a parting gift!

I am off soon. I will try to blog again if I gat access to another computer. Need to eat oatmeal now... it is getting cold.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Road Trip 

YAY!!! I am going away for a week to drive, explore and visit some friends.

Preparing for it today din not go as planned. M-SB and I had a wonderful breakfast at Chez Cora and got my camera batterie for my mom's borrowed camera. Did the banking... but could not get my Ventolin prescription refilled. I have to go to a clinic and get a new prescription. Then the hunt was on. Bureau En Gros for a new writing journal and to see about a mp3-cd palyer for the car.... cuz you cannot trust the radio on road trips. 3 locations, no help, long lines, MUCH frustration!!!! Gave up for the time being. I was too pissed off. So we went to my mom's to get the rest of the laundry, have some supper, steal some scones she fresh baked, buy groceries at Provigo... and give hugs and kisses.

Now home...
Unpacked the crap from the car, sorted the purchases and the laundry and packed for the trip. I will pick a selection of music on both tapes and CD's (in case I do get a player somewhere of some kind... might just get a little stereo and batteries).

Have to go clean the vet clinic and care for the animals there. I am picking up some glucosamine to see if it helps Velvet's crying. Velvet is a skinny, 14-yr-old, Blue/Cream Lynx point Siamese. She has been crying more than usual around the house and laying as often as possible on the heating pad or a lap. I think her joints are aching, so... trying the glucosamine.

Then home again to shower and sleep.



See you all in a week!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Busy Bee 

I have been busy all week planning and setting things up and researching... and teaching grade 5. It has been fun and tiring.

I have also been doing LOTS of writing. Journaling. On paper though... and too tired to transcribe it up to here.

First I must say Happy Birthday t! I am sorry I could not come last night.

Yesterday I spent part of the day at my mother's doing laundry and planning the eveing's class in Wards and Sigils. While I did those, I played the Star Wars special features DVD. It was fascinating. It was especially interesting to see the great leaps and the challenges that Lucas faced in making his dream come true. It was also neat to hear how much Star Wars changed the face of movie making. Lucas took great risks by investing in his own films (taking million $$ loans to make them) just to maintain control over them.

I came home through traffic and a mishap (of forgetting the couse notes at my mom's and having to return from 1/2 way home to get them) to my students already at my house and eager to learn. This is a great group. We discussed the upcoming Samhain Ball and the potential community impacts it can have. We gave feedback to Rosanne's forst public ritual, the dark moon esbat. I think I will lead the November Full Moon... as soon as I get inspiration or find the idea I HAD but is now eluding me. Her ritual was an amazing success with about 25 people there who got an incredible experience and want to come to the next one. This was a good response. Hopefully it will stir more people to come out and get involved in the community. We also discussed volunteering and networking. Networking is what the Leadership students need to do while I am away next week on my Road Trip (more on that later... maybe Sunday morning).

The Wards and Sigils class was awesome. We talked about the role of the human Warder, about the relationship and contract between you and the warding entity that you call. We explored Sigils and discussed energy signatures. They have to create a personal sigil for homework.

It was an awesome class. I finished the day

Friday, October 08, 2004

pyjamma day 

I had a PJ day. I stayed home in my PJ's and watched mivies and played my game...
It was good.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Heat at last... OMGs HEAT AT LAST! 

The past few days in my house have been unreasonably cold. I shivered uncontrollably in my office every day. Now i have caught a cold.

Yesterday... as I left for a meeting... they finally turned on the heat. YAY!

Sunday, October 03, 2004


Hehehe! I was really really surprised! Today was an awesome day, especially compared to the rest of the week.

M-SB got me up early this morning. We drove into Chinatown and sought parking for like an hour. (or it felt that way) We went for DimSum! YEAH!!! I have been SOOOoooo wanting to go, as I love DimSum and never get a chance to go for it. When we arrived, OMGs, there were a ton of people there!!! All my dearest friends and covenmates! I was shocked and surprised and confised... What was the occasion? Then they sang Happy Birthday to me!!! (but my birthday was in July?) M-SB felt that since my birthday got kinda glossed over in July and forgotten, that this was a great opportunity. WOW... I was so very surprised! THANK YOU ALL SO VERY VERY MUCH!!!

Since my grandfather died on the eve of my birthday, my family is so caught up in it that it overshadows my birthday and it gets forgotten now.

This really meant alot to me to have a birthday with friends. We had great food... some experimental stuff I doubt I will eat ever again... but mostly very yummy food! And I got presents! Weehee!!

I was tortured with some Hello Kitty things (a pink chaos lunchbox... hmmm... perfect for perculating that chaos magic in) and a Hello Kitty notebook (I will put that to use very soon as a SWG character journal). Around the table I will thank everyone for the gifts and sprcial things. But I will not name names here for privacy sake among coveners. I got a card that was very meaningful from my longest friend at the table. We will always have wonderful moments, meaningful conversation and sit is the quiet dark when comfort is needed. I got Dark Angel the first season!!! YAY!!! I am so in love with this TV series. I now have something else to distract me for a while.... hehehe. Then I got a bunch of books... muwahahaha... my true expensive addiction (who needs drugs!?!). I got two Asian books : The Book of Five Rings and The Empty Mirror. Other books include one by a favorite author (Juliet Marillier) called Wolfskin and a Get Fuzzy collection book of comics. Thes four books are from the dedicants of Northern Cougars. I must go to my www.amazon.ca wish list and update it! Then I got a gift certifiace from Astro Comics and Books. YAY! I can go get my next batch of comics (Star Wars series this time... and yes this is a long term addiction theme). CRAP! Just remembered I have to go to Block Buster and get my reserved Star Wars DVD collection. DOH! When I get paid. Something mysterious is on "back-order" for me from my ex-roommate (still best friend)... and she won't give me any hints. ARG. Lastly M-SB gave me an Art collection book from one of my favorite artists, Luis Royo, who by the way is Pagan.

After DimSum, we explored Chinatown a bit. I got my Dragon Beard candy and some incense. And a bottle of yummy Aloe drink.

When I got home... I crashed in bed. FOR MUCH TOO LONG. But an obviously much needed sleep. Now I am sure my sleep patterns are way screwed up ... but I am at least rested.

So, once again! THANK YOU!! You are an amazing and dear bunch of friends, I don't know what else to say. HUGS ALL ROUND!!!

Saturday, October 02, 2004


Today I am hoping for a great CMS Level 2 class. We will be discussing Sacred and not-so-sacred sexuality within Paganism and ritual. it is a very contraversial subject. I hope for active discussion, debate, curiosity. We will also be crafting God's Eyes as the Midsummer Sabbat craft and Grass Dollies as the Lammas Sabbat craft. They will bring in gourds to lear how to identify them and discuss what to make them into for mabon Sabbat crafts.

We end the day with a gues visit from our local mead masters, Terry & Dave, who will give them an introduction to making mean and a short demonstration (and with luck tase testing!). Mmmmm....

Then... coven tonight. This will be more subdued I think.

M-SB has something planned for me tomorrow. Have to wake at 8AM on a Sunday morning for it. But he won't tell me ANYTHING about it.

And it got worse... 

I set my balcony on fire by accident.

It doesn't seem too damaged, definately fixable. I will have to clean it up to be absolutely sure.

Friday, October 01, 2004

bad day... very bad day. 

I could not sleep last night. I had a migraine from hell from the changing air pressures and temperatures. That eased around 3AM... a bit. I went to bed and could not sleep. I was hot, I was cold, i was awake, I was tieds, I was uncomfortable. The alarm went off at 6AM. After M-SB was up and ready to go I drove him to the train station so he could his pass. Then went home to try to sleep. I managed a couple hours. 9AM I was awake again... cold and shaking like mad... nasious... and very frustrated. I was all out of sorts till about 3PM. What a wase of the day!!! I had things that NEEDED to be done. Why is it that on the rare days i get to myself i have to be fucking sick for them.

Anyways, the shakes passed. I had a bowl of soup and cleaning the apartment moderately. I sorted the CMS finances and found the new workshop we will try with our coven. Dominoes... I have to try to find some dominoes. I haven't gotten out to get the supplies for tomorrows class. Crap. I will do so while Autumn teaches class tonight. i didn't want to miss this class. But I have no choice. I work tomorrow and cannot get these supplies before the class starts. I will have to borrow someone's notes.
