
Monday, February 28, 2011

Brain Hurts 

This has been a busy brain day.

Planning meetings, having meetings, planning finances, projecting finances, reading homework and doing laundry, email email email and more email, correcting various homeworks and planning classes, preparing meetings.

I missed important stuff like calling my tax guy and running errands.

Didn't even come close to finishing homework.

Tomorrow is banking, homework, class, and a meeting.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Still Holding my Breath 

OMG... it is totally scary! It is totally exciting!
Please gods, let this go through smoothly and allow this potential dream to manifest.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thanks and Stuff 

Thanks Andrea O. I poked into Gotham City Online as someone suggested. WOW! I will place an order with them next paycheck and see how their shoes are. I am hopeful!

Here are the shoes I have in my cart at the moment and hope they are still available when I get my next pay: http://www.gothamcityonline.com/product/index.cfm?Stock=1301614

I thank whatever deity allowed me a decent nap today too. Much better than the on and off sleep i had between 5-9am.

The hubby has been playing DeathSpank all day. Funny, weird and annoying all at the same time to be stuck listening to.

Guess i will try to do some homework after supper.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Glasses = Shoes 

I hate shoe shopping. Above all other things... shoe shopping is my worst nightmare. I hate all the styles, there is nothing EVER simple or practical in women's shoes. All the styles I like are in men's shoes which obviously will never fit my narrow flat feet. Not to mention I need to put orthotics into these shoes and they have to survive constant everyday wear. Oh... and I have one foot half a size larger that the other. Most people have one foot 1/4 size larger. Shoe manufacturers take that into account as it is the same foot for most people. I am not most people. My larger foot is the OTHER one. so I hate HATE shoe shopping.

I am now ranking shopping for glasses right up there with shoes. I spent a year hating the styles of glasses in all shops. Now that I absolutely MUST get glasses because my lenses are so shitting I see better without my glasses, now I must find... something. I had to get a NEW prescription, even though it had not changed last year from what it was five years ago, and wasn't different this year either. Stupid waste of $65. I have spent several weeks in and out of eye glass places trying to find... something. I found an OK pair at Lensecrafters. I found three decent pairs at Griech & Scaff. Mom offered to pay the extra $50 for me to get the second pair deal at Griech and Scaff. Next Friday I will do just that. I'll have to decide them between the three styles. The red pair that the hubby likes is a definite. the toss up will be a classy gold pair or a modern black pair that looks like flames on the side (I am less sure of this pair but they fit super comfortably).

Today was all about exploring the shops for glasses. Hours and hours of trying on pairs.

I had hoped to do other errands, cleaning and homework, but that errand wiped me of the little energy I have these days from my stupid sick. My neighbors were so worried I was dying from my coughing last night that the girl came down with an herbal tea remedy. I have no idea what is in it, but it seems to be really helping. I will have to send her a thank you somehow.

I did some research for some personal stuff that took a bit of time. Still holding my breath and crossing my fingers. I was given some great advise and will try to follow up on that advise Monday.

I only just now managed food. I am too tired to think about homework. That will be tomorrow. Reading and paper writing.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring Yowl 

I opened windows this morning to freshen the house. The cats are running from window to window to yowl out each one in Spring Fever behaviour. Maybe the groundhog was right? we will get an early spring? That is something I am not holding my breath about. I totally expect some frigid weather ahead before true spring arrives.

I slept decently and feel so much better, almost like i could give a spring yowl myself with the cats.

Some temporary house rearranging is in order and getting the new printer working too. We have people arriving later today.

All kinds of exciting things are in the works this week.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Some things are worth holding your breath for. I hope I don't have to hold it for too long. And if you are asking... no... I am sadly not pregnant, though I was hoping and and watching the days. But today proved that I definitely was not. So i hold my breath now for other reasons.

I had a long talk with myself yesterday about what I can and cannot do, what I need to let go of and what to focus on. I am officially letting go of the idea of doing my Comprehensive exam this term. I am for the time being abandoning the thesis. I will focus on the overdue paper and the course I am doing now. The rest, will happen or not in due course depending on how my life turns. Stressing about them only makes everything seem impossible and thus nothing gets done.

Also, Firmly taking time for me. Mondays are still my days to work on whatever: cleaning, homework, meditations, errands, fun, whatever. And this Tuesday will be a play date with my mom for fun art stuff.

Don't ask me what I will do with my future, because it is all dependent on which door opens and which door closes for me. Only once those opportunities have been concluded will I know what to do. i refuse to worry and wonder about what if's till i have a good reason to consider them.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another Decent Day 

I am still sick but improving greatly. That the gods this vicious cold is short lived. I took the day off of everything today and just relaxed a little more. I hiked out to get some groceries and made home made from scratch chicken soup. Turned out real good. Need salt, but that is to taste for each person.

The hubby surprised me with flowers too for Valentine's day. I love him so much. Guess what I did for him. In-house valentine's treasure hunt. It started at his office desk with a card and a clue. That sent him to his closet and shoes for a gift and another clue. That took him to the top bureau drawer for another little fit and clue. That took him to the kitchen for the baked gift and one more clue. That directed him to the old altar with the Imbolc wishes of love and a last clue. that last clue lead him to the love letter i left for him under his pillow.

He gave me his Imbolc love wishes. Love & Creativity.

I am liking the year of the rabbit so far.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How is your day? 

Mine is amazing!

It started with a rose this morning.

I managed to get the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen clean and disinfected. The house is airing out with this lovely warm weather. Laundry is on the go, too. The guys came by to claim the stray hot water tanks from my garage. YAY! This spring i hope to clear much of the garage and get rid of things, especially the things that are not ours.

I got my new printer. OMG it is HUGE!!! I haven't even taken it out of the giant box it is in. Too heavy. It can do EVERYTHING! Scan, photocopy, fax, print, duplex... everything! My mom is jealous. She is coming over on Friday to play with me here! Heehee!

My Valentine's surprises are all in place now too! Baking is done and secrets hidden around the house. I hope the hubby enjoys the treasure hunt of love.

Need to finish cleaning the kitchen and get some homework reading done now.


My day has totally been made today.

The doorbell rang and so i abandoned my half-made grilled cheese to get it, expecting the Purolator guy with my printer.

There at my door was NOT the Purolator guy, but my dear friend Hobbes with a rose for me for Valentine's day. I think I stood shocked. I know I stood there in silent shock. No one has surprised me with a rose for Valentine's Day since... since... I think since i was serenaded in CEGEP in 19991.

I am so lucky to have such dear dear friends. Thank you Hobbes. you made my day! Love you lots!

Blessed Monday 

I have a Monday to me again. And today is Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!! I wish you all days full of love.

I am still ill, but greatly improved. Now I am just stuffy with a funny hard to understand voice due to the stuffiness.

So what is on today's agenda?
  • cleaning the house & airing it out of the sick
  • baking & other valentine's surprises
  • saying good riddance to the old rented water tanks when the company reclaims them today
  • receiving my NEW shnazzy printer!
  • reading for tomorrow's class
  • working on the sex paper
Today already feels like a good day, despite the stuffiness of my cold.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The previous week was awkward with the funeral, but that was over Monday. What have I been doing since? Surviving.

Tuesday, I managed to complete my paper proposal for my Taoist Scriptures class and pull off an ok presentation. TICK! One this OFF the list! still have to read those 150 pages of text for next Tuesday, though. My focus had faltered in the night with the minimal sleep i got from the hourly little dry cough that woke me.

Wednesday, I worked and managed to get the CMS printing done. AND I ordered a new shnazzy printer from Dell. It arrives Monday. The cough persisted intermittently through the day and ended with a fever and lots of coughing at night.

Thursday, I worked and uselessly visited the nurse at the clinic who said I was not yet sick enough to diagnose, though if I was concerned to go see a doctor at the open clinic. Waste. I napped on the sofa at work then had a good chat with a friend. At home, however, the fever persisted till it hit 104. I spent 2 hours with ice water and cold cloths bringing the fever down. I woke every hour through the night.

Today, I worked again. I was still sick but not quite as deathly as I was last night. I left work early and picked up food cravings after a discussion with the boss about what to do with shrimp. I suddenly HAD to have the shrimp broccoli pasta dish. I napped for a few hours till the hubby got home. We made the yummy pasta. Even though I could hardly smell or taste it, it was good!

My cold has moved out of my chest, and settled at a head cold complete with coughing, sore throat and stuffiness. It had hit me so fast Wednesday night. I hope that means it will run its course swiftly too.

I have sent in the last edit on a book review i am being published for in an academic journal. So this too is now off my list of To Do's.

It is currently 1:15am and I am reviewing what I have to do tomorrow... uhm today... after I wake up.
  • deposit cms payment
  • buy oils from Melange for chakra class
  • buy other stuff from other locations
  • pick up food supplies for chakra class (lemon-ginger chicken over fat rice noodles)
  • clean house in prep for Sunday's chakra class
  • read my chapter for Taoist Scriptures class
Relax LOTS... because fluids and rest get rid of colds. I'm just terrible at the resting part.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Over... and not... 

The funerary stuff is finally over. It has been a rough weekend. Not for me directly, or my hubby, per se... but for much of the rest of the family. DzaDza (grandfather) on the hubby's mother's side was close with much of the family and many took it very hard. I rubbed lots of backs and hugged some through their weeping.

It is finally done. Now they all go home and recover and learn to move on with their lives.

That means I am no longer on standby or on watch duty. That clergy duty is done too for the time being.

And through all this... I got zero homework done in the supposed 5 days off. It is like the universe is conspiring against me to get things done. I work out five days off and then have to deal with a funeral instead of homework. What is the message? Other than i have too much on my plate. I can't drop school. I can't drop work. I can't drop CMS. I have pretty much dropped everything else.

The stress of the funeral is now over. My love and support to the family.

Now to get back to overdue stuff. First on the list... laundry. Then I have to accomplish my new class paper outline and read 125 pages of sacred Taoist scripture. Tomorrow I have to prepare the presentation for class and print all the CMS-L1 materials. After class, I can get back to the older stuff: Taoist Sex paper, Wiccan exam reading, thesis revising and interviewing.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

On Standby 

So, Hubby's grandfather died. Viewing is this weekend and funeral is Monday. I have been on standby, just in case someone breaks down.

Tossed the hubby off to do something fun while stay on standby and work on homework. Although some of the time was just used to recoup from my own burnout feelings.

Finished editing that article for publishing. It is now off. I am viewing it like the hubby suggested. Edits are normal. If they hated it, they would have rejected it.

Family is viewing at the funeral home today. Today is mostly focused on the foreign family members I think. Tomorrow, We are expected to be there. The hubby and his brother wish to be pall bearers. But his brother has been an emotional mess when my hubby asked if his brother wanted to do this honor. I want to hug him so much. Both of them. The hubby is doing fine so far. I am sure he will have some "weirdness" feelings over the coming days and months as I did when my grandfather died.

Guess I will get back to homework. Researching and reading and preparing for Tuesday's class. Also planning CMS classes for Wednesday. Then back to the paper.

I am sorry for the folks I had to let down this weekend. I just can't divide my energy anymore.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

wasted complaint 

Hubby and i are awake due to the basement guy's TV/Stereo being loud... AGAIN.
We banged a whole lot with no response.
Called the police in, but they determined it was not excessive noise.
Hubby is furious.

I feel like we wasted everyone's time and that basement guy is going to get ... dunno what... yelled at for sure. Complaint to the land lord again tomorrow.

We need to move to a place that is a house with no upstairs or downstairs.

I feel like a neurotic fogy.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Death in the Family 

The hubby's grandfather just died suddenly of a heart attack today.
We are still gathering the details and are yet to sort out what our role is in the aftermath.

Please think of his family for me. The family is very close (Christmas is an 18-25 person affair full of love and sharing).

Yes, I am fine. yes, I think the hubby is ok-ish so far. we handle death probably better than most.
That means we may be needed to do stuff that level headed people need to do at times like these.

More news later when I have some.