
Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Upon a mountain
Drum'd the rain, flash'd the light'ning
There my screams rang out


That was an Avatar Haiku I wrote and rather like.

I am still busy and now have a freind to help through the death of his mother. All things are slowly working out. I have a ritual to observe for my class after three previous options fell through. Alas. And thank you so very much for the permission. You know who you are.

I am still writing fanfic and still roleplaying.

Today I went to the Pagan Cafe Moot. It was amazing with faces I don't often see. I hope to see more folks out there as spring approaches.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Busy and good 

Like I said folks, I may not post as ofyen as before. As an update, I am busy. When am I not. I am working and doing school and substitute teaching. There are several changes happening in my life.

I am slowly going to reduce my work hours at the store. Roo and I have worked out that when I have a sub-teaching day, she will replace me. I need to start sliding into my mom's position as top sub. She is retiring next year. Also... the pay is like $35/hr.

CMS is going into a bit of a hiatus. I will think more about how I want it to continue to serve people when I have more time to properly commit to it. The current classes will continue till they are done. Students wishing to move on to other leves may still do so. However, after this session, CMS will not be taking on new students for a while. My time is too divided for me to devote any this way. This does not mean it is dying or closing. It is merely sleeping in a cuckoon (sp?) until it is reborn in a new form that better serves the community when I can devote time and energy to it.

My classes at University are going better than expected. I do, however, still need to meet with an advisor as I am not sure I can manage to complete them in the time allotment. This semester, I have a class on Ritual Theory & Practice. My teacher is VERY easy on me. I am currenly earning an A in class assignments. I am almost as versed in this subject as the teacher.

Coven still continues apace. The news there will remain quiet.

I have been trying to look more inwardly and trying to nourish my spirituality more. It is very needed. But that means it will appear like I am hibernating. In a way, I am. I need some serious ME time. I have come far too dangerously close to very bad burnout over the past couple years. I need to back up and heal before it kills me. I have had a few private serious scares. No, not going to discuss them more than that. I am fine. But I need to step back a bit.

As part of that stepping back, I have been trying to do some things that I enjoy. I am still working on my fanfic. And helping kids online write their own. I have even gotten back into a little ropleplaying with Roo for not. It helps my creative soul that has been dying to create of late. I even have started doing a little drawing. It isn't much, and isn't spectacular. I am SO VERY out of practice. Anyways, my art can be found at Deviant Art HERE.

Yesterday I got a new camera. *SQUEEEEEEE* I spent the day just holding and petting the box. I know... I am silly. I have finally taken it out of the box and set it up to charge. It is a KODAK with a little photo printing docking station. YAY! It should be ready for tomorrow's Open House.

Today I helped my mom sub for kindergarten. It was ok. I prefer the psychotic grade 6's to K's. I have no idea what to do when a K cries. But a 6... I can tell them to sit their ass down or march it to the office. *hehehehe*

Also today, I did something both foolish and wonderful. I spent the last itty bitty bits of my money at the grocery store (I had to juggle out some things I wanted to get) and came home with some fancy asian-ish plates and bowls (2 each) and fixing for dinner. I made tea and stirfry and jasmine rice. The meat and veggie stirfry when onto the new plates, the rice into the new bowls, and the tea into cups I don't often use. It was my nice dinner for M-SB. I just... felt like it. I love him. He is patient enough with me when I am scarce because I am off roleplaying. I wanted to do something fun and nice.

Now I am sitting with Creme Earl Grey tea and candles in my office. It is good to just sit and enjoy tea in a fancy cup by candlelight. There is something completely peaceful about drinking tea in quiet solitude. I highly recommend it.

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. I get up early and prepare for the last CMS Open House (for a long while), open the store, pick up the other store cat who is suffering a BAD cat cold, take him to the vet, return to train the new employee, hide in the back some to madly package things so we can actually restock the store while Rooo goes nuts packing up huge wholesale orders, set up for the Open House, get crickets before my poor lizards starve (they were all out everywhere for more than a week!), host the Open House, get home and CRASH! Ya... that is my one day tomorrow. ALL that for just one day.

Ok... I am done for a bit. I need more tea. And I have more fanfic to write. (182,456 words, 311 pages)

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Here is a bit of an update.

I had ordered some things from Ebay and several of them have arrived already. One was an Avatar Earth Nation pendant which I am mailing out as a LATE Yule gift to an Australian friend. It is gorgeous. I look forward to the arrival of the Fire Nation pendant for myself. I am not sure whether I will hang it from my rearview mirror of my car or off the side of my computer monitor. Hmmm... I think the monitor while I am writing my fanfic. I received "Memoirs of a Geisha" DVD and have watched it several times. *sigh of pleasure* I think I will watch it again tonight. "Mulan" is on its way to me as we speak. YIPPEE! M-SB has never seen it. I had ordered a GORGEOUS Chinese dress from China. It arrived and was exactly as gorgeous as I imagined. One problem. My ass is too f-ing big. I needed the next size up. If I order the next size up, I will have to take in the bust somehow as I am built like a box and not an hourglass. *sigh* I will first see if I can find a new home and someone to buy this one off me before I spent to buy another. Maybe I will just buy the fabric from Chinatown and get my seamstress co-worker to make one.

I have just finished writing up my thank you notes. OWIE! My hand hurts now. My hand is far more used to typing than hand-writing. But I didn't want to type these. I wanted the personal touch of my chicken scratch. LOL.

Ok... now to find something for M-SB and I to eat. I will cook some food and take it down to him. Hmmm... or do I want to just order something? NO... I have spent enough money... mostly on bloody parking which is now $6.00 for 2 hours at work. I think I am going to go back to bussing. Food... need to find dinner for me and M-SB. Laters all!

Chose Silence 

I am sorry I have been so quiet of late. When I was in a conversation with a certain owl, I had told her that last year was a fiasco of miscommunication. So, this year, I was going to choose silence. That means I may not be posting as frequently as before.

I am focusing my energy a bit at work and shifting the schedule and responsibilities there. I am just getting back into school and need the time to read read read, though thankfully this class is easier to deal with as is the teacher.

I had a wonderful retreat and now wish I could have a month or 3 off to sort the house and get into a different routine.

One thing I have chosen to do is focus a bit on the things that I enjoy. I am trying to re-acquaint myself with this word that people keep nagging me about. FUN. Oy...

Today I relaxed and wrote up a poetry guide for the kids on the forum that I help moderate.

Anyways, on my current plate of activities is cleaning the house for coven tomorrow and doing MANY loads of laundry. Somewhere in that, I will write up the thank you notes to everyone I can remember for the Yule gifties. I am so glad I blogged about them. I have a brain like a seive. If you don't get a note from me, I really do apologize. I will try real hard not to miss anyone. I also have to read last week's school articles. I also have a lovely leather journal just for writing down notes and ideas for writing. I love the soft leather. It already has notes in it for a roleplaying story I am working on with Roo. She might actually eventually write it up.

Oh... my fanfic. That is fun. And here is the update: 290 pages and 170,292 words.

M-SB is off to babysit a sleeping Liam. I am off to clean and write notes.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Avatar Live Action Film 


Sunday, January 07, 2007

First 2007 Post 

My goals this year include quieting my life some of the chaos and stress. It has also been to choose some aspects of silence as communication last year was apparently very poor. This is partly why you have not seen a post from me for the last little while.

Anyways, I went on a retreat this weekend. It was amazing. I feel great! SORE as hell from hiking, but otherwise great! I was almost dreading it up until the point I walked through the door of the place we were to stay in. I don't regretr going at all now. I needed it. It was wonderful to reconnect both with Spirit and some folks who are so important to my life and spirituality.

I start class this week. I will blog again when I have some news.