
Sunday, December 30, 2007

End of Christmas and Year? 

I think I have come to the end of the Christmas stuff. I had a small party for those who don't really have family stuff. There was once a year where so much frustrating stuff was going on in my family that I didn't have family stuff and some freinds opened their home and had me over in their family for Christmas. So this year, I decided that between Christmas and New Years, I would host a family gathering for those without families, give them a new family. We aimed for inexpensive gifties, mostly home-made gifties. We had pot luck supper. Hobbes and Sarah, Roo and Tal, Karyn and Albert, and of course me and M-SB opened our home. I made the mistake of scheduling on the saem day as the neighbor's party below, but that I think worked out as several people in my party got to wander back and forth to see everyone.

We feasted on Roasted ham, stir fried crab, scalloped potatoes, salad, mashed squash/turnip (so delicious!), juices, tea & coffee, and delectable pastry desserts.

We chilled and chatted and opened gifts. Sarah made yummy cookies and included a selection of her favorite recipes. I can hardly wait to try making some of them! Thank you Sarah! I am a recipe whore for stuff that is yummy! Hobbes got me a spectacular tea container from the Japanese Paper Store (so need to go there and check them out... haven't for so long) and filled it with my favorite tea (cream earl grey) which was perfect since I had forgotten my tea dna tin at my mom's on the 25th. So beautiful! I have it on display now with some of my other favorite tea stuffs. Karyn & Albert got me an incredible huge Chinese fan. I have wanted one for a VERY LONG time. It is pale grey with black painted cherry blossom trees and bamboo with a hint of red for the blossoms. I want to mount it in the bedroom over my bed. I may do that in a few weeks and I figure out the logistics of doing so, and retiring the laminate that is currently there (which has some sentimental value... but I think I have grown since and it can now leave my life. I also gor one of my other favorite teas that I have been out of, Lichee Red Tea from My Cup of Tea. I ran out months ago and have not had an opportunity to go to Chinatown to get more (SAD). Thank you Karyn... I loves you infinately!!! From Roo, I received stuff that carries such meaning. She did Japanese calligraphy of the Seven Bushido Virtues, which I will frame and mount later. She also did a large calligraphy of "Honor is the Law, Love is the Bond" which are my spiritual vows and coven motto. I have honor and love tattooed on my wrists. It also relates to the incredible roleplaying we have that also carries deep meaning. Includes was a beautiful silver circle bracelet that is a simple band with Silver Circle in Japanese engraved on the inside. I know that no one will get it, except people who have learned about my RP and read my fanfic. That is ok. It meant alot. I love you Roo. *HUGS AND KISSES*

That seems to be it.

I went shopping with the gift certificates. At chapters I bought Magic Study (book two to Poison Study) and a journal that compliments Tal's journal that I gave him for Yule. At Walmart, I bought a long sleeved plain simple white shirt. I have been searching for one all fricken year and concluded that apparently clothing designers feel that only men wear practical basic clothing. Yes, my shirt is a man's shirt. Who cares. I tried searching for a comforter. This is turning out to be the biggest exercvise in frustration. *SIGH* No luck for anything decent or reasonable or BLUE so far. I will keep looking.

I retired to Roo's house last night for quiet roleplaying and then did brunch with her and a freind. I work tomorrow, but only till 3pm. I have no New Year's plans. And no, please do not invite me to any parties. I think I am too old for them. I have a low to zero tolerance for lots of alcohol or people why are drinking. I have limited patience for people and crowds. I want a break. I am not getting one. My last vacation where I did nothing remotely considere3d any form of work was the two trips to the US I did 3 years ago or so when I visited Tennesee and when I visited New Orleans (just before the flood catastrophe). Still no vacation in my near future plans.

Any New Year's resolutions? I have one: survive my course with the teacher from hell. Any New Year's goals? Yes, complete the many projects I have left hanging in various stages of part done. This includes such things as my fanfic novel, the Firum book project, and cleaning out my office. Any other wishes? Yes... have a real wedding on July 10th. Will that happen? Honestly... I am beginning to seriously doubt it. *sigh*

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Third Eye Chakra thru Christmas 

Well it was all about illusions and intuition and spychic abilities. It was also all about headaches. I have concluded that there is a bunch of stuff I need/want to redo for my chakra work. I did great with my Root Chakra and failed my Navel Chakra and the rest I coasted through. This one has been making me consider and reconsider what is before me. What am I really seeing? What is really the situation? My frustrations have been getting in the way of my seeing clearly. That is an indication that I really need to go back and work on the earlier chakras again.

On the tail end of Third Eye Chakra, I had the beginning of Holiday Season gift giving. Store Staff had a delicious pot luck dinner at Roo's house. We were a very small gathering if those who toughed it out through the snow storm. We opened our store Yule stockings and Secret Santa gifts. We plain had a blast just giving each other gifts. The notable gifts from then were: the wonderful blue scarf I am currently wearing and adoring, the jar of lucky stars that Roo made for me that rest on a shelf to bring luck to my research, a set of iced wines in mini bottles (i love iced wines AND mini bottles... I also drank the saskatoon berry iced wine and had to research what the heck a saskatoon berry was), the $25 gift card for Chapters/Indigo (already know what I want and just need time to go search it out... book 2 to Poison Study here I come!), and Samantha stitched my brand new Chinese brocade into an altar cloth for me!!!

The snow storms were hell. My car and me hated them. The store was cold and it made me very grumpy. I publicly apologize to anyone I was inhuman with. I am sorry. I don't even know if I was remotely nice. I doubt it.

Crown Chakra came and we moved into spiritual awareness and letting go of things we cling to. That kind of letting go is sometimes hard. It is amazing how many negative thing that are self-destructive that we cling to. This chakra has also encouraged me to be a bit more tolerant of the thing that piss me off. Also, I have been desperately wanting to get back into some more spiritual work and into some things that make me feel good about myself. I am finding my muse again.

Saturday was coven Yule with more gifts. I gave M-SB his birthday gift of the coffee maker he has been dying to have. He is very happy! *GRIN* I got the yummiest chewie peanutbutter cookies. I also got 2... TWO ... Harry Potter films. Now I have one left to buy and I have the whole collection to date. More snow and a snow fort was built in the back yard for Liam downstairs. That was COOL! Hell! I wanted to go play in it!

We did breakfast and opened household stockings and did a household gift exchange with our wonderful neighbors. I now has a new book to read. It is on a growing pile. At the moment... rereading Poison Study... yes... again... Thank you for letting me keep it! I also got Pan's Labrynth AND Avatar Book 3 Volume 1 on DVD... coolness... M-SB and I would have normally exchanged our gifts then, however other things were a priority... like fixing my car. A pot hole ruined a tire. Took the car in and discovered the breaks totally finished too. We dreaded... They couldn't fix the headlight, that requires more internal looking that I have to schedule for another time. The cost was a worry. Tire replacement with new tire and changing breaks. I were figuring $400-500. It turned out to be $250. My tire was on 5 year warrenty. WOW! Though the 5-hr wait nearly killed us. I did find something I intend to get for myself after the holidays. Canadian Tire has on half-price 2 things: a bread machine that does buns, muffins AND jams; and an ice crushing kind of blender for smoothies. Going back later for one or both of those.

Christmas Eve was a work day for me. It came with some bonuses and perks that were a huge relief and stuff. Thank you. You know who you are and why I thank you. At 3pm we split. M-SB came to meet me at the store and we headed to his sisters new shmancy home in Blainville for their family dinner for the holidays. Indian food was the best! Way better than turkey. His sister has a baby belly! She is due in April. So exciting! I wanted to touch it and say "HELLO IN THERE!" Several family members were not there because someone in the family is going to have twins. Yup... another set of twins. I see a trend. I am doomed. I got an Ikea gift card for christmas there and Shmancy dish soap in a collectable bottle. Hehe... bottle... And Ikea gift card! That is so going into the little pile of Ikea $$ we are stashing for a new livingroom set we want to get. I was well inspired and wrote a bunch of stuff for my fanfic while there. I have much typing now to do.

And Christmas continues!! We went to my parent's place today for dinner and I got to play with a baby! My brother was there with his boys. Hunter, my 4.5 year old nepher (the .5 is VERY IMPORTANT!) is extremely shy. He won't talk to me yet. I am not yet on the OK list of people that are not new in his life. That will come. I am... well... new in his life. Last time I saw him he was 3 months old. Aaron, my nearly 1-yr-old nephew was a JOY! All laughing and lovable and smiles. It is still a bit odd to see an Asian looking baby with fair skin and fair hair. He is adorable just the same. I now have yet more money, a HUGE pack os burnable DVDs (thank gods... at last), a bast oil burner, and the coolest little Zen Garden. That got IMMEDIATELY set up as soon as I got home. Thank you Erika! It was from my niece. It is also one of my favorite gifts for the day. I also got a neat kitchen slicer thingy that I am sure M-SB will figure out LONG before I do. We inherited my mother's almost new toaster oven as she got something newer that is a microwave AND oven combined. WIERD!!! Enh! I inherited a cool new toaster oven. That means... my old one (which is also not that old) is available for adoption.

I did not get the one thing I really really hoped for this Christmas that I also REALLY need.
A queen sized comforter in some shade of blue.
We are down to one comforter. It needs to be washed. I don't have another.
So that will be the FIRST thing I go buy myself this week.

I had to do a ton of reshuffling funds to cover costs of the Toronto Pagan Conference last minute. My registration is finally in. I decided to get a vending table for myself. Well Roo and I are splitting. I still have to come up with the room rental and gas and food money. Some of the money I got for the holidays will go towards that. Some will now also go to me getting M-SB's Yule gift which I couldn't get because the registration was overdue. I am glad he can wait.

Speaking of gifties and more Yule...
I have yet another party this coming Saturday. We are hosting dinner. I work all week, and end it with another Yule party. How awesome of that!

Now I am off to type up fanfiction. I am so happy that my muse is back! Thank you Santa!

Sunday, December 09, 2007


So I have moved past the Throat Chakra. It was easy and I think communication went a bit more smoothly.

I have been so busy that even my fun things have not really happened... not really surprising.

I have started the Third Eye Chakra. Intuition, insight, psychic abilities, seeing beyond illusion.
We will see how this goes. I expect it will also be easy.

Went to an AMAZING workshop on the Horned God in Traditional Wicca. I will post my notes on that later.

M-SB has left this morning for St-Louis for work. He is staying at a shnazzy hotel. Ooo-lala!

Cleaning girl is here today after a the store staff meeting. My library is ALMOST sorted. Getting there. I appreciate her help immensely.

Received a Dalai Lama Personality Test thingy in my email: http://www.personalityquiz.net/tests/dalai.htm

It was really interesting:

QN 1 - List these animals in order of your priority.
ANS - Tiger, horse, sheep, cow, pig
MEANING - order of life priority: Pride, family, love, career, money

QN 2 - Give one word for the following animals.
Dog - loyal - my personality
Cat - independant - partner's personality
Coffee - comfort & discomfort - how you interpret sex
Ocean - rushing - your life
Rat - intelligent - personality of your enemies

QN 3 - Put the name of someone important to you with one of each color (no repeating names)
Yellow - Hobbes - someone unforgetable
Orange - Karyn - a good friend
Red - Robyn - someone you really love
White - Mark - your twin soul
Green - Arin - someone you will remember all your life

Interesting! Surprising! And accurate... COOL!