
Monday, June 29, 2009

Rainy Days 

The week has been full of suffocating mugginess and then finally rain. I have a very hard time functioning in extreme whether. Especially when my body decides randomly that since the whether will be odd, so will it! Somehow, I have pulled my shoulder out. This is a regular problem that runs in my family. It is also excruciating. I don't think I did anything in particular. The muscles just decided to spasm and pull the shoulder out of place. I am on day 4 now of pain where meds are doing minimal to help. I tried icing it. That made it MUCH worse. I tried heat which soothed, but was not remotely lasting. I am glad I had Sunday off. And especially glad to have today off too.

I got a bunch of RA stuff done. Got some dishes and laundry done. Now for meditation and some food. Then on to more RA stuff and some writing.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ever since I was a small child... 

I have written stories. I have played them out in pretend and make-believe... then roleplaying. I have dreamed worlds and fantasies of greatness and horrors, strange creatures and unexpected heroes. I have wished so hard to be a silver-tongue and bring the stories to life or open a portal and live in these worlds far from this one, even if it were for a little while.

I have never been published.

And no... I don't consider the stray poem and a few articles in a magazine I created to be really... published.

Ok... done being melancholy. The movie Iinkheart was amazing! Now I have to get back to the real world and clean the house and work at my other job.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

St-Jean Day 

My least favorite "holiday" ever. It seems to always be so stinking hot I want to die. Today is no different. I worked in the store all day. Thankfully, everyone who came in was civil. I don't ever expect civility on this day... being an anglophone working in an English book store. But everyone was wonderful.

Thank you all you wonderful people!!

Why do I hate this holiday? It was chosen as a "National Holiday" for Quebec in their attempts to assert sovereignty and have their own independence holiday counter to Canada Day. People often have tried to FORCE their religious and political views upon the non-separatist (and usually anglophone) members of Quebec society. The gatherings have usually been full of too much alcohol and then too much random violence. As a child, I remember someone being paraded through the streets of Ville LaSalle on the back of a pick-up truck tied to a cross where he had been stripped naked, beaten, covered in various horrific things and ... I don't even want to know. As a 7-year-old child, what I saw was traumatizing enough! I haven't seen that sort of activity for a very long time. Thank the Gods!! But random acts of violence still happen. Last year someone broke the window of the door to our store in the night. I pray the day's civility continues and we do not see a repeat of last year.

Other than that, I had a productive, if hot, work day. I am home in my pathetic hot house cooled by one tiny bedroom a/c. I want to do cleaning and stuff, but it is too effing hot!

The hubby is off at him mom's fixing her computer and won't be home till late when she drives him home. He had today off.

Maybe I will go put a drop of gas in the car and seek out a movie and some dinner. I don't want to cook... too hot to heat the house with the stove. And I want ICE CREAM!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Good Monday 

I woke at 6:30am for no reason, was just... awake. I stared at the ceiling for 30min then the cats fussed for food knowing that I was actually awake. So i fed them and went back to sleep. I slept in very nicely!

Taking my usual meditation time at my altar as I do every Monday if I can. Today is the Dark Moon, a time for introspection. The relaxing downtime of long meditations helped me alot to sort through how I felt about the last week. Having Monday to myself again also greatly helped. It is my no stress day.

It is also my major productive day. After meditation, I did some writing of my newer fanfic. The I did lots and lots of laundry and dishes. I stripped the sofa covers and washed them too! I even prepared stuff for mailing that must must must be mailed tomorrow! I cleaned the bird cage, fed and watered all the lizards, and played with the cats. I planned a roast for dinner. It is on now.

Tonight is an anime date with the husband and Full Metal Alchemist. I really want to OWN the box set for that. Later I will clean the bathroom, grab a long soak, and relax more. ( I was going to do that earlier, but I used all the hot water washing so many dishes.)

Tomorrow is a work day. Followed by tidying the kitchen and doing RA work.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Additional Accomplishment! 

I just finished a 1200 word article for WynterGreene. *grin* It is also sent off. Alas, it has two small errors, but I think I can live with it. When the editors contact me, I might ask them to please make those two tiny corrections before publishing.


This week has been up and down and ... not planning on repeating it.

Beyond that, this weekend was great! I wrote some fanfic, I taught a tarot class, I enjoyed some anime... I did some housework (dishes, laundry, cleaned the bathroom), and I prepared coven stuff.

Today is Summer Solstice!
I will lights my Beltaine candle and offer it to my garden when the sun sets. We had a great celebration of achievements. List five things you feel you have achieved. I have a list of seven:
  1. CMS (it is an annual achievement)
  2. Started an RA job and did not give it up
  3. Found awesome anime membership gift for the hubby that we both are enjoying
  4. Adopted a bird, a dove. How wierd is that?! I own a bird!
  5. Have not yet lost total hope in the chance of having a child
  6. I now eat fresh salmon once a month. This is special because I generally hate fish, especially salmon.
  7. Completed my first actual BOOK: an Avatar Fanfic found HERE!
Today is also Father's Day so hug your dad!

Lastly... I have garden celebrating. My garden has exploded. Does anyone want any fresh herbs?: Oregano, lemon balm, thyme, lavendar? Let me know. I must harvest it by next weekend before it flowers.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I made a decision. I but my hair... short. The two bundles of hair I have will be mailed to Locks for Love when they hair dries. I like the woman I saw. I took her name and card. I will see her again.

I have settled on some projects that I was waffling on for a while. The guidance and praise from the RA group boost my morale and really inspired me to do more. I am working on another project that has been waffled on and pending for... oh... YEARS! Done letting it just sit there. Doing something about it. Can't tell anyone here as it is a surprised for someone who I know reads this blog! *wink*

Goals by October 1st:
- pay off some bills and debts (get them under control)
- do my taxes (ya.. late and frustrated)
- complete the RA work
- complete some books for CMS (Level 2 especially)
- get a good look back at my Thesis and maybe write the history section (10 pages)
- Pay what I owe the school so I can register

Let's see if I can get these things done.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Ya... I hate them. I really hate them.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Productive Monday 

Even though this was not the usual full of meditation and writing kind of Monday that I like, It was still smooth and productive.

I met with the RA's this morning and we updated, planned, progressed, and made a list of starter questions. It felt good to have some direction and some accomplishments. Everyone seems to think I have done well and approve of my 20hrs of work. I feel like I have produced squat for my 20hrs thus far. I can do a max of 80 more hours. I will have a formal contract within 2 weeks. I look forward to this money. It will hopefully cover what I owe the school so I can register next year. Maybe even cover some other bills. From the meeting to the CTLS office where I exchanged materials and met with some folks. Oh look... another 2 hours of work.

After that I drove out to my parents' place. I dumped the giant blankets into the wash and got the family update. I try hard not to be a burden and to be less of a worry to my mom as she has to deal with the rest of the family. The best I can do is be the ear and accept that I will not have much support from her. I don't really need it like others in my family do. I am stronger, like her. Although, I hope I never have to be in her position.

After laundry and chatting, I did some sewing. I made a tabard! All by myself. My mother showed me how to make a bobbin of thread and how to use bias tape. And for those of you who find this remedial... please understand that it is completely NEW to me. I now have a very cool looking tabard! One that I made all by myself. *squee* I have enough supplies to make another for myself. I might do just that next week.

My dumb blankets took FOREVER to dry. But they are done and can now get folded and go into the winter storage. I am now home... and very full of excited energy and feeling much accomplished!

On the home front, nothing got cleaned nor purged. The home is falling sorely behind. The cats are all doing well. I have taken Tsuki outside to explore the back bvalcony along with Bagheera. Bagheera I can mostly trust not to run away, but he might roll OFF the balcony. I noticed that the balcony desperately needs to be cleaned. UGH. Angel, the white dove i have, is doing very well... despite the off moment of Cloak plastering his feline form against the cage in the hopes that he can squeeze through the 4 millimeter apart bars to get at the dove. And speaking of white, I have new white capris and have felt very pretty all weekend. I need to get my hair cut, though. The split ends are driving me bonkers. I have been in great debate this weekend about hair cutting. Do I just trim it? Or do I give it a good short cut and send the 10-inched to Locks-fof-luv? Hmmm... I will decide by the end of the week.

Have a great Monday everyone!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Alive !!! 

I has a computer! It works just fine! New outdated motherboard that works with all my components is in. It is a bit slower. The husband said I would not notice, but I do. It is insignificant for what I do though. I am happy and DEEPLY relieved! When I get home from work, I have a ton of catching up to do.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still dead... hope of resurrection though 

So... I am still struggling off my slow little laptop. My computer is officially dead. Blew the capacitors apparently. Supposedly it is due to faulty capacitors and it is amazing that it lived this long. Anyways, bottom line... I nee3d a new motherboard. $200 will vanish from my paycheck this week setting back my bill payments yet again. I will have a working computer Thursday night or rather likely sometime Friday afternoon or evening.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Yup... still very dead... 

My computer is still dead. It looks like the processor crapped out. I am struggling off my little laptop at the moment. The husband has been daily and diligently testing each component toi see what is wrong. So far.. YAY... my hard drive is intact. *phew* That means anything I have saved there is STILL there! He plans to take my computer to MicroScott tomorrow to see what they can do. If it is truly unsalvageable... then they have a comparable system for $200 that I can get.

$200 for a system that is equal to my current one though slightly "slower". The hubby says the slowness is negligible for what I do with my computer. But I can buy a new system that is equal and comparable ot even better for $500. The question is... what do I do? I will have the $200 on Wednesday. I won't have $500.

I will see if what I have can be saved. The important thing to tell them si DO NOT WIPE THE HD!

Today I am working from my VERY slow little laptop. I did RA material cross referencing for 3 hours today. I will log and cross reference the last of the material I have on hand tonight.

Other things I did today: Nap since my sleep was very broken all night, Purge the crap from my Kitchen Table, Find all my stuff for my taxes (yes, I am late as usual with it), Clean and purge crap from the microwave stand. Oh hey! I found the cord for my mini-CD player! We can have music in the kitchen again.

Back to RA stuff... I want a fun break. *pout*

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Still Dead 

My desktop is still very dead. Thought it might be just the power source. Nope. Thought it might be the hard drive. Nope. Likely the processor. I don't have a replacement to try and find out. Everything else seems to work fine. As it is all 7-years old... buying a new piece... doesn't seem to be possible.

I am trying hard not to freak out with an RA project pending and other things that need addressing vie computer/internet.

I haven't given up yet. I can't afford a new computer. I might be able to afford a new piece. SO! So... I am on my very slow laptop at the moment. I will try to find the piece I need online. Please everyone be patient with me.

Friday, June 05, 2009

"It's Dead Jim" 

My computer is... dead. I hope to take it apart on the weekend.

Yes... *I* am going to take my computer apart.... since no one else will. *#$%^%&*

So... if you are wondering why I am not communicating or responding... this is why.

Monday, June 01, 2009


Computer trouble again...

Spontaneous... random... repeated rebooting.

Going to kill things...

Need new computer...
