Monday, March 28, 2011
Nothing Smooth Today
I have read snippets here and there in the early part of the day.
I am only now sitting down to the handfasting stuff.
Then I have to devote myself to reading. Half a book then prepare a presentation before 3pm tomorrow. Thank the gods for a Monday Me day and for an energy drink. I hope another energy drink finds its way to me tonight so I can keep at it.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Breathing Again
I am really looking forward to this. And I think I have a fun April lined up to draw people into the shop for all the little surprises and events.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Big News!!!
Greetings clients, customers and community members. Please do not adjust your sets while we provide you with this very important Public Service Announcement.
Le Mélange Magique / The Magical Blend is changing ownership as of April 1st. No, this is not an April Fool’s joke. The current owner, Debra Aubin, is moving on to new challenges and two new owners in partnership, T. Scarlet Jory and Valérie Laville, are stepping up to take the reins.
Message from the Current Owner
I have been honoured to be part of this community over the past two decades. When I started up Le Mélange Magique in 1991 with my original partner Elyse, we envisioned a “small, magickal herb shop” and could not have dreamed that Le Mélange Magique would become as well-known as it is.
I have had the pleasure to meet many wonderful people over the years through the numerous festivals and fairs we have participated in or sponsored. I have been privileged to see the Montreal community grow and evolve since the first Pagan Grove meetings two decades ago. Most importantly, the staff and friends of Le Mélange Magique have been part of my personal and spiritual growth - and part of my family.
At the same time, I'm eager to begin the next phase of my life, with new challenges and an even greater focus on my family. I am leaving the store in good hands with great confidence in its future. I've worked with Scarlet for over a decade and her energy and vision will continue to move Le Mélange Magique into the future. I'm incredibly happy that Le Mélange Magique has a new, steady hand to guide it and I wish Scarlet and Valérie many years of happiness and prosperity.
Message from the New Owners
It is with great excitement that we start on this new path as owners of Le Mélange Magique. Scarlet has worked with the store since 1999 and has been involved in the Montreal Pagan community since 1994. She looks forward to better serving the magical community.
Valérie has been training in magic and Paganism for the last several years, as well as having trained in the healing field as an osteopath. She looks forward to adding a new element to the field of magic with the introduction of healing services at the store.
The Magical Blend is dedicated to offering a complete selection of products oriented towards the followers of all alternative spiritual paths, including Wicca, Paganism, Magick, Goddess Spirituality, Witchcraft, Santeria. While we have great new ideas, we will not compromise the foundations that the store has already built. We are eager to receive feedback from the community in regards to products and services they would like to see in the store.
Fresh new energy and fresh new ideas from the staff have inspired an exciting transition! Here are some of the exciting events to look forward to throughout April.
April Events
March 31st, Thursday till 9pm: Debra will be within the store available to meet with anyone wishing to say goodbye and wish her well in her new life. Come celebrate with her!
April 1st, Friday morning:
- Penny Incense Day: spend your lucky penny on a package of our famous Mystery Blend incense
- Kwan Yin / Kannon Day: Celebrate the Asian Goddess with us and help raise funds for Japan Relief.
April 4th, Monday all day: Celebrate with the new owners! Yay! Meet us, asks us questions, make suggestions, and share tea with us!
April 7th, Thursday all day and evening: World Health Day:
- Meet the various healers in our community and learn what they can do for you
- Free trials of some techniques
- Schedule full session appointments (new for the store, Mondays are healer days! See a healer instead of a reader on Mondays.)
April 22nd, Friday: Earth Day:
- seedlings of herbs will be available for sale today
- introducing the store’s new REUSABLE cloth bags at last!
- Earth Day Ritual 7-8pm led by the store’s staff
Many more exciting activities will happen through April along with the workshops.
You can check out our website or our blog for details and a more complete list of the exciting new events.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Thanks for reading!
Bonjour clients et membres de la communauté! N’ajustez pas votre appareil pendant cette importante annonce publique!
Le Mélange Magique/The Magical Blend changera d’administration à partir du 1er Avril. Ce n’est pas une blague de poisson d’avril! La propriétaire actuelle, Debra Aubin, s’envole vers de nouveaux horizons. Deux nouvelles propriétaires, T.K. Scarlet Jory et Valérie Laville, prendront le relais de l’entreprise.
Message de la propriétaire actuelle
J’ai été honorée de faire partie de cette communauté pendant une vingtaine d’années. Quand Le Mélange Magique a été fondé en 1991, avec ma partenaire d’origine Élyse, nous pensions établir une “petite boutique d’herbes” et jamais nous n’aurions imaginé que Le Mélange Magique devienne aussi connu qu’il l’est maintenant.
J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer plusieurs personnes merveilleuses avec les années grâce aux festivals et foires que nous avons organisé et où nous y avons participé. J’ai eu le privilège de voir la communauté montréalaise grandir et changer depuis les premières rencontres du Pagan Grove il y a 20 ans. Le personnel et les amis du Mélange Magique ont fait partie de ma croissance personnelle et spirituelle, et sont un peu ma famille.
Je suis excitée de commencer une nouvelle phase de ma vie, incluant de nouveaux défis et une plus grande dévotion à ma famille. Je laisse la boutique entre bonnes mains et j’ai confiance dans le futur. J’ai travaillé avec Scarlet pendant plus d’une décennie; son énergie et sa vision fera en sorte que Le Mélange Magique continue sa mission dans le futur. Le Mélange Magique sera guidé par une main ferme. Je souhaite à Scarlet et Valérie des années de bonheur et de prospérité.
Message des nouvelles propriétaires
C’est avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme que nous commençons notre nouvelle vie de propriétaires du Mélange Magique. Scarlet a travaillé à la boutique depuis 1999 et a été impliquée dans la communauté païenne de Montréal depuis 1994. Elle a hâte de continuer à servir la communauté païenne.
Valérie a pris plusieurs cours dans le domaine de la magie et du paganisme depuis quelques années et a aussi complété une formation de guérisseur en tant qu’ostéopathe. Elle a hâte de contribuer au domaine de la magie et à la communauté en introduisant un volet de guérison à la boutique.
Le Mélange Magique s’engage à offrir une sélection complète de produits pouvant servir aux adeptes de spiritualité alternative, incluant la Wicca, le Paganisme, la Magie, le culte de la Déesse, la Sorcellerie et le Santeria. Alors que nous avons de nouvelles idées pour le magasin, nous ne compromettrons pas les bases stables de la boutique. Nous sommes intéressées de connaître l’opinion de la communauté par rapport aux produits et services que nous offrirons.
Une énergie et des idées nouvelles provenant des employés ont inspiré une transition excitante de la boutique! Voici quelques évènements qu’il vous faut noter pour le mois d’avril.
31 mars, jeudi, jusqu’à 21h : Debra sera à la boutique toute la journée pour rencontrer les gens voulant lui dire au revoir et lui souhaiter tout de bon dans sa nouvelle vie. Venez célébrer avec elle!
1er avril, vendredi :
- « Penny Incense Day » : venez dépenser votre 1¢ chanceux sur un paquet d’encens « mélange mystère ».
- Jour de Kwan Yin/Kannon : venez célébrer cette déesse asiatique et aidez-nous à amasser des fond pour le Japon.
4 avril, lundi : venez célébrer avec les nouvelles propriétaires! Venez nous rencontrer, nous poser des questions, nous donner des suggestions et partager le thé avec nous!
7 avril, jeudi, Journée de la Santé Mondiale :
- Venez rencontrer les guérisseurs de la communauté et savoir ce qu’ils peuvent faire pour vous.
- Venez essayer certaines techniques de guérison gratuitement!
- Prenez rendez-vous avec les guérisseurs pour des séances complètes (nouveau à la boutique, les lundis seront les jours réservés pour les guérisseurs au lieu d’avoir des astrologues sur le plancher).
22 avril, vendredi, Jour de la Terre :
- Des semis d’herbes seront à vendre.
- De nouveaux SACS RÉUTILISABLES seront disponibles, enfin!
- Rituel à 19-20h pour le Jour de la Terre, mené par les employés du magasin.
Plusieurs autres activités et ateliers seront organisés en avril. Restez en contact!
Vous pouvez consulter notre site internet et notre blogue pour les détails des évènements : (en anglais) (en anglais)
Nous retournons maintenant à l’horaire régulier! Merci de votre attention!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday Me day
I spent much of today just laying in bed wishing the hurt would just go away. I will be out of excedrin soon. Must budget for some painkillers.
The productive stuff I did today? I did some research. I read through my Taoist Sex notes, paper and books for some ideas for the last part of the paper (not conclusion, but the sexual practices, engendered). I dealt with some drama that I think is resolved now. And I ran a short errand. My cake that I baked last night now has coolwhip to top it off. Mmmmm..... I also did some research for my other paper on Taoist monasticism and rites of ordination. I also did my budget for the month. This week's pay is devoted to some outstanding bills. Next week's is devoted to auto payments and some special surprises. Not sure yet where the bus pass payment will come from.
I did not do the many other things on my to do list that I should have. Calling my tax guy is ABSOLUTE priority tomorrow. I need to see if I can get to see him Saturday. I have to dig up and transcribe some handfasting stuff to send to someone. This I will do tonight. Reading Taoist "Purple Texts" for tomorrow's class is also on the agenda.
Then some other fun stuff: employee manual, training manual, store BOS... wouldn't it be cool if we could sell a store BOS? And more stuff.... Hmmm... dinner first!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Check this. I didn't want to lose this. I think I will incorporate this somehow.
The USPS lost my moneyorder.
Domainpeople processed my prepaid visa gift card, then mysteriously refunded it.
Site name is in "redemption" and can't be paid... because that credit card is one of the stolen ones and won't process now. FUCK!
I spend today yelling at everyone. DomainPeople are trying to correct things on their end.
I'll have to get a new prepaid visa to pay them... again. This stolen wallet thing is expensive. The Canada post is investigating the lost moneyorder. I hope to get refunded, but that seems like it will take time.
On a good note, I spent the day laying down and resting and my hip is doing MUCH better.
Off to try to get some homework done.
10 Days
So three: death in the family, stolen wallet, hip injury.
Husband's dad died. There is family drama. We are trying to stay out till we are actually needed.
Wallet was stolen Wednesday. Mojo in the works against the thief. Slow process to replace everything. Replacing is actually going smoothly, it just killed the budget to pay for new ID and new bus pass. Did you know that if you register your bus pass and it later gets stolen, the STM can block the pass and transfer all fares to a new pass for you? AMAZING! Wish I had done that with my other pass. I did it for the new pass.
Today, I bent over to put a new bag into the garbage can and POP! Pain stabbed the back of my right hip close to my tailbone. I have rarely had pain this bad. OMG it is bad! If people were not just about to show up for coven stuff, I would have gone to the hospital. I put on as brave a face as I could and had them help me now and then. I think I pretended well enough to get through the day's activities. The pain has eased slightly... but only slightly. I tried to sleep and managed an hour. Now I am awake and hurting.
The good? New glasses have arrived. Getting all new wallet necessities has gone perfectly smoothly. And so has the stuff I have been holding my breath about. Some final things have yet to be handled, but all is well and certain. What is it? No, not a baby... alas... but like a baby in that there will be as much work and as much stress, all good. I promise to let everyone know soon.
Homework has not progressed due to life. And every time I plan on a homework day, life interfered. Is that a sign? Yup... slow down. I have dropped a few things to be handled... later. I still want to get some things out of the way though.
I could so use a good massage.
Friday, March 04, 2011
Black & Blue...
Bruised. I am so bruised and now it shows. We received a box shipment at the store. The delivery guy put it on the counter. I moved it off the counter to the floor out of the way. Only... it was WAY heavier than expected. I dropped it. I caught it before i damaged anything inside. But it hit my thighs as I crouched to catch. Now i am black and blue where the corners of the box impacted with my legs. OUCH!!! Then later than day I had a book mishap where a bunch of books tumbled from the top shelf onto my right shoulder. Again OUCH!!!
I ache. I ache more from poor sleep.
I have zero focus even for the fun stuff.
And crap... I lost my bank card (think I left it at Griech & Scaff). Well, I needed a new one anyways.
Year of the Rabbit... holy moly
Holy moly! There are changes happening in my life right now. And they are very swift and I think very positive.
The first is that I will be getting new glasses today. YAY!
I change I would like would be something regarding my basement guy. He had abandoned hos basement in a scary unfit state for 3 weeks. the owner went in to check if maybe he died in there and we didn't know. Maybe he had skipped out (I was hoping), but all his belongings were still there. He came home yesterday at 4:30am and was basting his music. Mark banged on his door and he quieted. Last night was the same thing with loudness, door banging, then flipping the breaker. I was woken at 1:30am when I heard him and Mark yelling at each other downstairs. WTF? And I had hoped to get good sleep.
Other changes also underway, but not yet completed.